Our Values
Adam Rozenhart and Tyler Butler, Co-Founders of Adverb Communications
Every conversation that Adam and I have about Adverb leads to the same place: our values.
In our first conversation about the company, we spent hours talking about what was important to us. Because we wanted our values to shape our work, not the other way around.
So, before we even really knew what Adverb Communications was, or what kind of work we did, we knew one thing. We knew who we were.
Our values are everything. They’re on our website. They're in our proposals. They help us to make decisions every day about how we act, who we partner with, and how our team supports each other.
But we never wanted our values to feel prescriptive. So Adam and I made a commitment that I think is really special. We put an annual review date on our values.
Every November, during our company-wide retreat, we review our values as a team. And we make sure that they still reflect who we are—and who we want to be.
We want our team to feel ownership of our values. Because values aren’t just words on paper. They come to life in every little action that our team members take every day.
Our values capture our burning need to create and solve problems. They define the welcoming, creative space that we’re working hard to create. And they capture the relentless optimism that our team brings to our work.
So what are our values in 2023? Here’s what we’ve come up with:
Make Cool Stuff: The chance to be creative: it’s why we’re all here. Whether it’s social media, podcasts, or even a great spreadsheet, we’re always looking for the next big, creative idea.
Lead With Heart: We know business is business. But we see people first. We’re in the business of relationships, and we value every single one we have.
Be Honest: Trust is key to everything we do. And you can’t have trust without honesty. We won’t tell you what you want to hear; we’ll tell you what you need to hear.
Solve Problems: We are curious and persistent problem solvers. There are few things more rewarding than digging deep and finding solutions together.
Build Each Other Up: We celebrate great work. But we also know great work comes from great people. And we’re cultivating an inclusive and positive environment that builds everyone up.
See The Potential: The next award-winning idea is just around the corner, if you know how to find it. Let’s discover it together.
We talked about how our values evolved after our first team retreat on the latest episode of Ask Adverb. Give it a listen (and please subscribe!).
Our values, to me, mean we're going in the right direction. They mean we’re building the kind of company that I’m proud to work at.
And I can’t wait to make it even better.